Terms of service.
Your place will be confirmed after we receive your booking form and the appropriate deposit/initial payment. Please note that payment of the deposit/initial payment is regarded as your acceptance of the booking conditions and is non-refundable.
2.1 CANCELLATIONS - Academies & events (NOT ADP)
If you wish to cancel the booking or any part thereof you must notify us immediately in writing. Until written confirmation is received we will continue to hold your reservation. All cancellations will be acknowledged. Cancellations incur the following charges on the total booking value:
(a) More than 50 days before event starts: £50.
(b) 50-30 days: 50% of the total event price.
(c) 29-15 days: 75% of the total event price.
(d) 14-1 day: 100% of the total event price.
2.2 CANCELLATIONS - Athlete Development Programme (ADP)
If you wish to cancel the membership or any part thereof in respect to the ADP you must notify us immediately in writing at admin@sport-101.co.uk. Until written confirmation is received we will continue to hold your reservation. All cancellations will be acknowledged. Cancellations incur the following charges:
(a) Within 10 days of making the booking and more than 20 days of the start of the ADP: No additional charges & refund of 1st months membership.
(b) Less than 20 days before the ADP starts & up to 1 month: £80 (if only 1 payment has been made then the membership will be cancelled after the 2nd instalment.
(c) During the year: No refunds will be given for sessions completed.
(d) Signing onto the ADP is a commitment to the programme for the 12 months and we hope that before undertaking the .
(e) To cancel your membership for non-medical reasons, you can cease your membership by providing one full calendar months’ notice and paying the difference between the 1-month price and 12-month price for the length of time you have been a member at the point of cancelling. (For example, you request to cancel after 3 months of the agreed 12-month programme length. The difference between the 1-month price and 12-month price is £15 per month, so you are required to pay £15 x 3 = £45, plus your 1 full calendar month’ notice at £40.)
(f) You can cancel your membership at any time if your circumstances change to such an extent that we are satisfied it is not possible for you to continue to attend the centre for the ADP sessions (for example, due to medical reasons, if you are made redundant or if you move to an area which is un manageable to attend your local centre).
(g) To cancel your membership for medical reasons, you will need to give us notice and provide the documents we ask for as proof of the change in your circumstances. During the initial membership term, you must continue to pay your membership fees each month until you have provided the evidence requested and we are satisfied with it. Upon receipt of your documents, your membership will be cancelled after your next monthly direct debit being collected. We will refund any fees you have paid up front as a lump sum membership for the period that has not yet passed once your cancellation has taken effect.
(a) Booking Responsibility for the details of bookings and for payments lies with the person making the initial booking. Replacement of any booking confirmation or duplicate paperwork will incur an administration charge of £15.00 per item requested.
(b) Late Payments, Returned Cheques. A £15.00 charge will be made on any cheque returned by the company’s bank. Any account left unsettled after the balance due date may incur a £40.00 charge.
(c) We reserve the right to decline any Booking or exclude any child at any time prior to or during the event or activity if in our reasonable opinion the behaviour of the child is disruptive, dangerous, performing below standard or incompatible (whether as a result of any illness, disability, social behavioural problem(s) or otherwise) with the general enjoyment of other visitors. You agree and acknowledge that if We in Our absolute discretion deem that any adjustments (whether made by Us and/or You and/or the party member(s) in question) are not reasonable and/or are reasonable but are likely to adversely impact (e.g. from a safety or any other similar perspective) on any other child) Holiday or activity then Our decision to decline the Booking or exclude a child is final and shall not be open to legal challenge. Any additional costs so incurred shall be entirely Your responsibility.
(d) You shall advise Us at the time of Booking and immediately after Booking fully in writing of Your child's name contact details and any requirements needs or personal circumstances that You reasonably consider may affect the child during the Holiday including special dietary requirements illness disabilities any social behavioural problems (e.g. ADHD or any equivalent or similar or any other affliction that may render the child Incompatible as defined at clause 3c above that a child currently has or has recently experienced or any other such personal and/or sensitive information (Personal Information).
All accounts must be fully paid by the agreed date so we can accept a booking at an event. Any balance payments are due before the event taking place unless otherwise agreed. Full payment will be required for all event booked after this date.
Please note, we reserve the right to levy an administration charge of £50 in respect of any changes made to booking details after the initial booking has been confirmed.
All yours and your childs personal property is your own responsibility, unless loss or damage is proven to be due to Sport101’s negligence. If anything is missing when your son or daughter leaves an event please let the centre lead know about it right away as there may still be time to find it before the event closes down at the end of the session. Expensive and treasured items such as but not limited to jewellery, music players, mobile phones, designer clothes/shoes/trainers, etc., should not be brought to camp as they are often unnecessary and inappropriate on an activity holiday.
Some events may not offer the full complement of activities listed due to site restrictions. Alternative activities will always be available. The timetables for certain activities are subject to alteration in the event of wet weather conditions, or other factors which are beyond our control.
(a) If individual sessions are cancelled due to safety reasons, or factors beyond our control, we will not be contractually obliged to give any refund, but we will look at every case on its own merits.
(b) In the event of events being cancelled in their entirety by Sport101 due to COVID19 then the value of your event booking will be available to transfer to another event hosted by Sport101.
(c) If you are unable to attend the an alternative event within 12 months then, at the discretion of Sport101, you will be able to ask for a refund (at the discretion of Sport101) which will incur a charge of £50 to cover T shirt printing, admin fees and additional costs incurred by Sport101 to administer your booking.
We accept responsibility for personal injury and for loss and damage generally, but only if caused by the proven negligence of the company or its employees. We do not accept responsibility for events which are outside of our direct control. These include (but not exclusively) force major events such as strikes, bad weather, war, etc. and injury, loss or damage that may occur while we are using third parties or subcontractors such as transportation companies.
In the unlikely event that a child experiences a problem or difficulty while at a Sport101 event, the matter should be reported immediately to: admin@sport-101.co.uk
(a) The event lead who has the authority and direct knowledge to deal with most queries.
(b) If he or she fails to resolve the difficulty to your satisfaction, then email to us at admin@sport-101.co.uk within 10 days of the completion of the event. We will only compensate complaints if both these conditions are met.
(a) The copyright of all photography appearing in our brochures belongs to Sport101. No reproduction may be made without prior permission from the company.
(b) Please inform Sport101 to: admin@sport-101.co.uk if you do not want your child's photograph taken. It may be used in future brochures.
* the term event refers to any product, camp, academy or booking made with Sport101